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The political uses and potentials of resonance ('21-present)

In my capacity as a scientific collaborator at UCLouvain, I have been working with Olivier Struelens and Amaël Maskens on the political uses and potentials of Hartmut Rosa’s concept of resonance, systematically presented in his 2016 German-language publication that has already been widely translated. We recently held an international workshop on the topic in Louvain-la-Neuve, bringing together professors and researchers from across Europe and beyond, and are working on a collective publication to share the fruit of our work.


Accrochage et engagement des étudiants de 1ère année ('22-'23)

Getting 1st-year students engaged and “hooked” onto higher studies

I was asked to pilot this project at EPHEC at the request of the management board and the director of pedagogy and applied research due to the perceived synergy with my research project on responsibility. Leading a team of 4, our aim was to understand the elements that contribute to getting 1st-year haute école students engaged with their studies, especially in the first six weeks, and to come up with recommendations that take into account the specificities of the institution and its student body. To this end, we conducted a qualitative survey comprising over 60 individual interviews and 4 focus groups. At the same time, a wide range of quantitative data was analyzed to measure the weight of individual factors of student engagement. A publication on this project is in the works...

Developing students’ responsibility in higher education ('21-'22)

This applied research project, undertaken at EPHEC's applied research center, explored how to develop students' responsibility within a non-university higher education context. One of the more interesting results pertains to the relationship between the dialogical nature of responsibility and the responsive character of pedagogical relationships. Far from being mere wordplay, this hypothesis is being developed through resources in cognitive psychology (Hélène Hagège), sociology (Hartmut Rosa), recognition theory and contemporary non-cognitive theories of attention. 

Recognition and identity education ('15-'19)

My doctoral research project, undertaken at the Center for Philosophy of Law (CPDR) of UCLouvain, was born out a critical epistemological approach to Axel Honneth's recognition theory. The starting point was a blind spot identified in his work: at key points in his theory, he seemed to presuppose either the presence or the absence of what could be called "identity skills". By making this presupposition explicit and grounding the concept in a theory of identity reflexivity, I was able to study how school are able to participate, either through pedagogy or through governance structures, in the development of students' and teachers' sustainably positive relationships with themselves. 

In reality, this project started long before my Ph.D and continued on afterwards. I began working on the topic in 2012 and published my book, which contains an important chapter written after the defense of my doctoral dissertation, in 2021. 

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